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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jordan's first GuateBLOGa :)

We made it! This trip has definitely turned real. The plane ride went smoothly
con no problemas. We chatted with a couple backpacking hotties going to the same
area we were.They intend to be much more adventurous than us but
We are now at a hostel where they are accommodating all our needs. Our first day
was spent walking around Guatemala City getting used to their way of life. BTW
if you wish to rob a store here prepare to be greeted by a security guard
holding either an AK-47 or a shotgun lol. Sooo since I feel completely safe with
the military driving everywhere with their guns we continued on. Today we
celebrated the Guatemalan Independence day which was super lively. The festival
had live music, Guatemalan handcrafts sold, and the creepiest clowns I have ever
seen (no LOL there). Afterward we traveled on a rickety school bus called a
"Chicken Bus" (they call it that because people board it with chickens haha) in
order to go to Antigua. Antigua is a very touristy spot where you can purchase
crafts, food, headphones, and universal remote controls. I guess there is a
remote control drought in these parts lol. There were some bootlegged items I
would've bought but I have no room :( . Shopping is the worst thing to do if you
are a backpacker.
We made it to the hostel safely and we are about to check out the nightlife.
Don't worry if I get robbed I have a spare wallet full of Disney tickets and a
note saying "you are a stupid robber who gets nothing for your actions." I hope
you continue reading. I promise we will keep writing. I miss MUD. I miss my
family. I miss my kitties :( . Thanks for reading!!!!!
-Jordan Aboodi


  1. jorDAN aboodi! you make me laugh, and i just pictured you saying all of this out loud and it made me laugh. haha I love you boy! and i'm soooooo glad you go to go on this trip! I hope that you continue to keep having a great time! i'm praying for you guys all day errrvyday! haha i'm so excited to keep reading what God's doing through you guys. keep having fun. i miss you ALOT. you're Hilarious. you make me smile. the end. :)

  2. HA Jordan, you are too funny. This made me giggle on more than one occasion, especially about your fake wallet. Hilarious! I'm so glad that you guys are safe so far. I love and miss you lots!!! I know that God has amazing things in store for you this trip. :)

    So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (The Message)

  3. LOL. I agree with Jamie. I heard YOUR voice the whole time I read this. And laughed. I love you brudder.

  4. j booodi!! like jamie and your sister, definitely heard you saying this while i read it. i miss you soo much already!! but i just know that God is going to do great things through you guys :) i also agree with beka, the wallet part is my fave next to the remote control drought...oh golly, i miss you!! i cant wait to read more about your adventures!! i wish i was there!! love you :D

  5. Jordangryyyy, you had me smiling before I even read the blog; the title is what made this all you :) hahah. And the wallet note, remote control drought, backpacking hotties, and all just made it even better. I'm excited to hear about what God's gonna do through you JBoodi, and aboutt he interesting adventures you encounter! ahahah, I love you..I love you...I LOVE YOU! (stole this qoute from you!) miss you and praying for you non stop!

  6. hey butthead! this was priceless. made me laugh quite a few times. MUD, your family, and your kitties all miss you too. God's going to use you to touch many lives, but you already know that. can't wait to hear about the crazy adventures. i'm still praying for you every day. Don't forget to take your malaria pill! :)

  7. Hey buddy wow i never thought id miss my best friend this much hah i look through my phone and i see your name and i get sad cause i want to text you and hangout. i miss you, you are more than a friend and i feel like we are family just want you to know i love you man and im supporting you guys and praying everyday for you guys and your outreach and safety! I hope all is well and judgen by what i just read its going great! Well im off just wanted you to know i love u buddy!
