I think I'm in love with South America. Once we began the journey in Colombia I instantly felt drawn towards the beautiful landscapes and wondrous culture. I was so stuck on never leaving Colombia because of it's greatness but I was so oblivious as to what South America had in store.
Our bus ride, although 30 hours, was such an amazing journey. Although it seems impossible, the nature around us seems to continue becoming bigger and better. We have come across mountain ranges so incredible that they seem to dwarf whatever mountains we saw in central america. Enough about this, on to the next on....ECUADOR
The border was freezing and no one knows why lol the temperature seemed cool or warm in Quito which felt amazing. I'll tell you what's not amazing...waiting outside to get your passport stamped in that Antarctica of a border. I swear we could control our shivers.
Our host in Quito, Diego, is great! He has a great family provides us with amazing hospitality, and assists us on any travels in the area. He even joined us on our most epic adventures of the trip. To start the day off he took us to mount Cruz Loma where we were lifted up near the top. The view was so amazing! I'm very seldom speechless but standing up there took the words right out of my mouth. Me, Cory, and Elias ran ahead while Dan had some time to catch up talking with Diego. High altitude isn't so fun lol my walk up the mountain felt like the last stretch running a marathon. But reaching the almost basically top LOL totally worth it!
So after the mountain we still had some energy so we visited the center of the Earth!! What an amazing once in a lifetime experience. We were so eager to start taking silly pictures but we had to wait for some Ashley Sickle chicks to finish doing yoga and bridges on the equator LOL But once those popsickles left we went at it taking fun pictures. There's something liberating about being on to hemispheres at the same time ;)
The next day we woke up at 430 and left for Bano where we explored, shopped, and did a good deed for a group of single moms. We then took a bus to Puyo where we are now.
People I Miss: Mom, Dad, Alex Strachan(A-Strack), EJ (bro bro), Janna, An, Hector, Bobby, Moshua lol, Mason, MALLORY, Beka, Stephanie, Lauren, Jamie (fo sho!), JUAN PABLO!!, Ashlee, Zach Boon, VICTORIANGSTY!, Marissa(M-Clark), Joseph, Lynn (and the babies y'all come with), and AMELIA!
if you question why your on my list, It is because I've thought about you this trip and love you dearly.
I hope to write again soon. ALTO CINCO! Lol